My Services
Medical service performed by licensed mental health professionals reimbursable by insurance, my Professional/Clinical Mental Health Counseling goes beyond the treatment of an illness, as I remain focused on facilitating your wellness even as we treat your dis-ease. Licensed to practice in both Georgia & Florida.
Professional counseling is a healthcare service performed by a state licensed mental health professional that requires the therapist perform an assessment, determine the diagnosis of a specific illness (emotional, mental and/or behavioral), develop a treatment plan and keep records of the progress of the treatment. Please note, those records are available to your insurance company if you seek reimbursement for the fees for service. Professional Counseling is reimbursable under most health insurance plans and meets the criteria for tax deductible medical expenses. I do accept insurance assignment from a limited number of insurance companies for the treatment of a diagnosable illness. Licensed in the states of Florida and Georgia, if your need is a medical model treatment I can help. If you plan to use your insurance for services, Professional Counseling or Clinical Mental Health Counseling is the service you are seeking. Counseling services are limited to my private office locations which include the therapeutic farm as an approved insurance site. My approach to Professional/Clinical Mental Health Counseling goes beyond the treatment of an illness, as I remain focused on facilitating your wellness even as we treat your dis-ease. With a practice history spanning more than 20 years and having been named the Licensed Professional Counselor of the Year for the State of Georgia in 2003, and Equine Facilitated Mental Health Provider of the Year by the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International in 2014, if counseling is what you are seeking I have the proven track record of success that you are seeking.
Why We Should Work Together
Working from a holistic model of treatment, integrating mental and spiritual health/wellness with medical care, art, yoga, animals and the natural world is my specialty of practice. The client that is tired of being tired and unfulfilled or tired of being sick and tired and wants a real relationship that goes beyond "tell me how you feel today" is the person who will enjoy working with me. I utilize evidence-based treatment strategies but combine them in dynamic and engaging ways that make it possible for clients to heal body, mind and spirit while learning critical relationship skills with humans and the natural world. As a licensed clinician, clinical supervisor, counselor educator, author, presenter and innovator in the field of experiential therapy, I have the seasoning and expertise to guide you down the path to wholeness and wellness which is very different than just treating illnesses. Please join me on the journey.
CONTACT DR. TAYLOR – (912) 348-5070
If we do not attend to what matters to us, it will become the matter with us.
(912) 348-5070 phone
Email: [email protected]
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